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Olga Manganelli

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What is and sessions

Sessioni di Counselling&Mindfulness > Percorso consapevole - Mindful path -

Mindful path - percorso consapevole -

The project is based on the 7 principles of mindfulness such as:

1. non-judging;
2. be patient;
3. beginner's mind;
4. trust;
5. don't look for results;
7. accept;
6. Letting go.

The path is centered on becoming aware of ourself, our emotions and living in the present.
During a journey of 8 meetings, counseling and mindfulness merge together, offering participants the necessary tools to become autonomous and independent in managing their emotions, stress, anxiety and life adversities.

We will learn how to live in the present, not to ruminate on the events of the past that prevent us from moving forward in our lives, careers and relationships and to accept our emotions with serenity, making them become an integral part of our being.

It is an individual journey that takes advantage of the energy of the group and involves both our body and our feelings.

The key words are

Organization of sessions:

8 weekly meetings, online via SKYPE, lasting one hour and 30 minutes. Initially, in a protected environment, the group talks about itself and each individual participant will be free to talk about themselves and their needs. Subsequently, a themed meditation and final closing feedback will follow.

It is planned to organize groups for Italian, English and Spanish speakers.

The Mindful Path can be individual with an introductory price of €20 or for a group (minimum 8 people), introductory price of €12 each.

Payments are made in advance before sessions via revolut or paypal.

For any further information do not hesitate to contact me:

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